Learn how to fix your mood and get your life back on track (without spending 5 years trying to find the root cause)
6-Component Actionable Guide: Figure Out Why You Feel Low Despite Increasing Wealth and Fix Your Life Without Extreme Measures


The main question is

Why, If Everything Is So Good for YOU, Do YOU Feel So Bad?

And find the answer is not so easy



You started your career probably, around 10 years ago. At first, it was great. The new technology coming out every day seemed important to you. Every salary raise was almost 2x.

But by the time you started noticing that something was wrong. Everything is "kinda meh".

  • Yes, of course technologies are great, but there are too many of them.

  • Yes, of course you feel the pleasure of raises, but not for more than a few weeks.

Someone said it was just burnout. Somebody else said it was a midlife crisis. Someone just decided that you're a spoiled, fat IT rat who needs to see how people live in the real world and shut the fuck up.



No one can help you

Everything they suggest doesn't work

I also have been there. I know what it is



Hi, I’m Misha.

I've been a software engineer (now more of an engineering manager) for about 12 years.

The first 3-5 years of my career were incredible. Don't get me wrong, it was hard, but it felt right. Libraries, frameworks, programming principles, all that magic. And of course the salaries.

But then I started to notice that something was wrong with me. It became harder and harder to concentrate on work, everything seemed boring and meaningless. I tried taking on more challenging tasks, learning new technologies and techniques, even changing jobs - nothing helped. And more and more often, my colleagues would see me sitting at my desk, resting my forehead on it. And even outside of work, on weekends, I began to spend more and more time in my bed, curled up like a spiral shell.

I lived like that for years, trying to figure out what the root cause of all this was. I went to therapists, I took pills, I thought about quitting my job and trying to start a business, I even became a manager at one point, but it didn't help.

I tried so many things and nothing was a good candidate for a root cause that I needed to fix. And then I suddenly realized, what if there is no root cause? And everything started to fall into place.

Now I have a system, a holistic view of what a life without struggle should look like. I have used it, I have healed myself. Even though I sometimes forget to follow this path, I always know how to get back on track.

It works. And I want to share it with you.





A practical guide to finding the handles that regulate your mood



64 articles in 6 chapters:

  1. Mood. What the hell is wrong with you and exercises to deal with it
  2. Calming down. Exercises to stop panicking and start changing
  3. Sinecure. Explains how to be with your job
  4. 10x-Idea. Concept to spice up your life
  5. Productivity. The biggest part of the course. Tools I use every day
  6. Advanced Improvements. Some useful practices to raise your level of living even higher.




  Manage your mood, get things done at work, and turn your life into a game

  Get instant access


Sad Señor
Sad Sen-or Course
Take a holistic view of how to live your life properly without taking any risks
Learn how to manage your mood
Learn to focus, organize your work, and spend less time on it
Discover a way to turn your life into a game



I have answers

Make sure you make the right choice.



  • Why is it free?

Free doesn't mean useless. I have spent a considerable amount of time researching the topics I have included in this guide. This course is free only because I want to test the hypothesis that there is a demand for this kind of stuff. If there is, I will expand the content (there were a lot of things I decided not to include in this version of the course), improve the quality, and raise the price. But if you sign up now, you will have access to all these improvements and additions.

  • Do I have to be a senior software engineer?

I think you will find 70% of what is written in this course relevant, even if you have a different job. If you feel "meh" about everything in your life that normal people enjoy, and at the same time you are strangely growing in your career, this course will probably be helpful to you as well. But yes, this course is for software engineers.

  • How long will it take to see results?

It depends on how fast you do all the techniques I describe in the course. Assuming you read everything I have written, give yourself a few weeks to get used to it, to implement it. And another few weeks to feel that things are getting better. A month in total.

  • Is it self-practice or cohort?

Self-practice. I may do cohorts in the future, but right now it's just you and the guide. Anyway, if you have any problems understanding, feel free to DM me on LinkedIn.

  • Is it a video course? E-book?

It's 64 text articles divided into 6 parts with injections of pictures and diagrams. When you join, you get access to a membership dashboard.

  • Do I have to quit my job and start a business?

Just the opposite. Stay where you are, take this course, and make small improvements to make your life meaningful without radical measures.

  • Will this course teach me how to get rich?

It can if you're smart and lucky enough to win with your 10x idea, but that's not the main goal of this course. The main goal is to give you hope that everything is under your control and that you can achieve anything you want over time.